Diversity and Inclusion

Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Justice

In a year when issues of racism and social injustice have been brought to the forefront, we at Dickie McCamey want to emphasize our ongoing stand against both.

We stand in solidarity with the Black community, other communities of color, and all of our diverse neighbors, colleagues, family, and friends. We categorically oppose racism, prejudice, and injustice, regardless of the form they may take.

In Congressman John Lewis’s book, Across That Bridge: A Vision for Change and the Future of America, he wrote: “Ours is not the struggle of one day, one week, or one year … Ours is the struggle of a lifetime, or maybe even many lifetimes, and each one of us in every generation must do our part.” We are fully committed to continue doing “our part,” both within our firm, the legal community, and in our daily lives.

Commitment and Responsibility

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is demonstrated through our programs and involvement with clients, bar associations, and the communities we serve. We are dedicated to promoting a work environment that fosters and enhances diversity and inclusion. We believe that diversity leads to a stronger firm that is best able to provide excellent service to our clients.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Committee is chaired by a shareholder and consists of lawyers who are in various stages of their legal careers, located not just in Pittsburgh but our regional offices as well. The committee meets regularly and collaboratively with the firm’s leadership to advance our ongoing commitment to a diverse and inclusive workplace with a focus on individuals subject to discrimination based on race, ethnic origin, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, or sexual identity.

Diversity Scholarships

Dickie McCamey actively collaborates with three Pennsylvania law schools to offer scholarship and clerkship opportunities to diverse students — a commitment that pledges $150,000 for a minimum of five years.

Internal Programs

The committee partners with firm leadership in implementing strategies to increase, enhance, and sustain diversity within the firm. Dickie McCamey is flexible in accommodating its employees while eliminating barriers and encouraging diversity.

  • Diversity Training
  • Mentoring Program
  • Balanced Hours Policy
  • Women’s Initiative
  • Disability Accommodation
  • Community Involvement

Civic and Bar Involvement

Dickie McCamey works with various bar associations to contribute to the diversity-related events/programs as well as serving on boards and committees. We are involved with, but not limited to, the following diversity-related organizations:

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Cleveland, Ohio

  • Project Healing Waters (serves wounded and disabled veterans)

Columbus, Ohio

  • Columbus Bar Association
  • Minorities in the Law Committee
  • Ohio State Bar Association Advisory Council on Diversity
  • OSU for Latinx Leadership Day

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Philadelphia Bar Association
  • Executive Committee – Workers’ Compensation Section – Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee – present one to three continuing legal education sessions per year on Diversity & Inclusion related topics
  • Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, Criminal Trial Division
  • Local inner-city high school Youth Court Program
  • Established an annual Educational Outreach Award
  • Paid internship with Judges in the Court of Common Pleas

Wilmington, Delaware

  • Office of the Child Advocate’s Guardian ad Litem
  • Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families

Pro Bono

Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote attorneys dedicate themselves to providing countless hours of professional time to public interest matters through pro bono work. This stems from the firm’s strong commitment to making it possible for our attorneys to give back to our society in this manner. Our pro bono work benefits those individuals we serve as well as our community as a whole. Our lawyers’ legal and interpersonal skills are enhanced through this form of professional and public service. It is Dickie McCamey’s firm-wide policy to encourage partners and associates to provide pro bono legal services to those in need.

Read a more detailed description of our Pro Bono and Community Service. 

Diversity Sponsorships

Dickie McCamey is a proud partner with the communities in which we work, live, and serve. Our focus is to improve opportunities for a diverse culture and support a full range of sponsorship levels which include, but are not limited to:

  • Allegheny County Bar Foundation “Jeans for Justice” (PA)
  • Carolina Indian Circle (NC)
  • HEARTH – Homeless Ends with Advocacy, Resources, Training, and Housing (PA)
  • LASER Kids at OSU (OH)
  • Operation Feed – Mid Ohio Food Bank (OH)
  • Ronald McDonald House (PA)
  • Women Lawyers of Charlotte (NC)

Policy of Equality

Dickie McCamey believes in providing and maintaining a diverse workforce for attorneys and staff. We provide fair and ethical treatment regardless of one’s race and ethnicity, religion, age, national origin, political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability.

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee, with top-down support, studies relevant data to develop long-term strategic goals for diversity and inclusion at the firm.

Our Policy of Equality reflects and builds upon our core values, which all employees are responsible for demonstrating in both actions and words.

Meet our Committee Members

Denise L. Bessellieu
Samantha R. Cavalier
Michele F. Eagle, Co-Chair
Devon F. Ferris
Theresa A. Folino
Kristopher R. Lowe
Rebecca J. Maziarz
Kenya C. Miller, Co-Chair
Ryan B. Naumann
Paul A. Roman, Jr.
Shaka S.J. Sadler
Barbara Y. Strnad, Co-Chair
Adam J. Warhola
Kristin L. Wedell
Jeffrey J. Wetzel

Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, P.C. is an equal opportunity employer.